
Causes of High Cholesterol

Staying healthy can be quite the task! This may be the reason many people tend to overlook what they eat each day, and whether or not they get in that 30 minutes of cardio. However, as we age, it becomes more and more important to think about saturated fats and high cholesterol levels. Avoiding the issue altogether can mean something dire. So instead of writing off heart health and daily eating rituals, why not take a moment to better understand the causes of high cholesterol? This way you will not only be able to live a healthier lifestyle, but you will enable yourself to live longer as well.

One of the first things you need to understand about the causes of high cholesterol is that it centers around your daily routines. While genetics can certainly play a role in this, what you eat and how active you are should also be considered. The truth is these are the issues you can actually affect directly. That may last a lifetime.
Needless to say you can’t choose your genes. So, when it comes to eating, you should strive to avoid foods that contain high levels of bad cholesterol. These range from fatty meats like ham, beef, bacon, and sausage, to dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, ice cream. All of these foods contain heavy levels of cholesterol that can cause damage to your heart.

Once you better understand the causes of high cholesterol, you can adjust your diet to better suit your health. Foods rich in dietary fiber and whole grains are great for lowering your cholesterol. Think along the lines of whole wheat bread, oat meal, vegetables, and fresh fruits. If you desire meat products, focus more on fish and white poultry. These tend to be quite low in cholesterol. If your cholesterol is significantly high, you may need to consult a licensed physician about potential medications. This way he or she can get you going with an oral prescription.

Exercise is and always will be a part of staying healthy. If you can exercise for 30 minutes each day, then be sure to do so. Getting your heart rate up is essential. Finally, other causes of high cholesterol are not related to diet and exercise. This is at present the largest section of my web site. I am addressing stress. It sounds funny to some people because they cannot physically see it, but stress can have an atrocious impact on the human body. It causes blood pressure to rise, hair to fall out, people to gain weight, and so on. Exercise can help you reduce stress, along with fun activities that keep your mind off of stressful work or finances. Congratulations; learning the main causes of high cholesterol is the first step to getting healthier.